Editorial Assistance

Gotta Be Careful...

I've been doing a lot lately, mostly when it comes to writing/networking/college, so I've got to be more careful not to step on the surprise shell that will totally shut me down. This has happened before, and it usually shows when I keep getting tired. However, telling me to stop will just fall on deaf ears, I assure you. lol.

Right after I post this, I'm gonna check out Neil Gaiman's blog and Amanda Hocking's blog and then dozens of more blogs. Every now and then, I randomly do a blog roll, which is where I list all the blogs of people I regularly talk to and comment on their recent posts. If something comes across as particularly helpful, I'll go into psycho marketing/networking mode and start advertising the link everywhere. I am on TEN social networking/bookmarking sites, but I'm still working on gaining a presence. Now regularly posting on those sites can easily get tiring. I need to balance that out the most.

I'm hoping to start pitching some articles to Best Damn Creative Writing Blog (BDCWB) soon and write out more reviews, in the hopes that more of them will make the cut for another issue of Suspense Magazine. I love seeing my name in print. Gives me a rush only rivalled by soda and chocolate and sleep. Which reminds me...

Pitching articles and entering into Script Frenzy and writing a story for a storytelling event I'll participate in and networking and college scholarship essays and editing other people's stuff and writing book reviews and hoping hoping hoping my dropping of the Academic Honors Diploma doesn't get me rejected from Indiana University Bloomington after I spent so long dreaming of escapism means that I will most likely have to give myself much less time to work on my novel. I've been outlining Chapter 2: Home Sweet Home for days now. It saddens me a bit, but I understand how trade-offs work.

I'm not upset. I do, indeed, feel like I'm getting ahead in some way or another, but I AM getting tired.


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