Editorial Assistance

Welcoming 2012

Sorry for how long it's been since I've last updated. Due to the holidays, reconnecting with the family and boyfriend, and pulling myself back together after finally returning home, I've been undercover as far as my online presence goes. But I have still been putting in a lot of work in regards to my online presence, definitely for 2012.

At some point in January, preferably within the first week, all three of my sites - Tiffany Rambles, Triple R: Read, Rate, Review, and Honest Crits - will be undergoing design revisions. Tiffany Rambles will now be updated every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, and this new change will come into effect January 1st.

Why all the design changes? 2012 is a big, important year for me, and renovating my websites (as well as creating a brand new one) feels like part of welcoming these changes. I'll be a full-time writer, critiquer, and reviewer. Not only will I be taking on self-publishing and (hopefully) traditional publishing, but I'll also be working on freelance writing and critiquing.

Honestly, I think I have enough goals to start the new year for two people, lol. What are your 2012 goals?
2 Responses
  1. Nice new design! I'm excited for 2012. It's my goal to finish SCALES, get THE BREAKAWAY out of my hair, and write another novel. Enough to keep me insanely busy. May we both be successful!

    What are you going to self-publish?

  2. Tiffany Says:

    Yeah, I've decided that this is my year for getting published some way or another. Through short stories, freelance articles, and novel writing, my name will be out there somehow. My main goal, with all my goals, is to NOT die and burn out. -_- Anyway, I hope we both are as well. Thanks for your reply at your blog. It really made my day.

    I plan on self-publishing Savior of the Damned, and I'd like to traditionally publish Dream Catcher, preferably with Rhemalda.