Today has been a long day, as most of my days are. I like to pack my days, which are very time constrained since I joined the Academy of Performing Arts (APA), mostly so that I can look back and say, "Wow, I got stuff done! My life has some type of meaning!"
So, I spent about two hours working on my forum, Writer's Haven. Today I completed the September 2010 Newsletter and figured out, through clever copy and pasting and experimentation, how to put a pic on the site's side bar.
Get this: I've been managing free domain websites since I was in the 6th grade, but I have nil website knowledge. Everything I do is seriously trial and error.
Anyway, today's post is about my novel, Savior of the Damned, and where I'm at with it. If the nice, red picture isn't any hint...I'm done! Yes, finished, complete, DONE! But, you know, not really. Because this is the world of writing, and we writers always find ourselves going back to our writing, definitely when it's the first serious, seemingly publishable novel.
I completed the first draft of SotD Freshman or Sophomore year. I completed the second draft Junior year, and I completed this draft early on in this year (I'm a Senior). After finishing the third draft, I chose five people that I would like to beta read/edit my book and sent them all a message about it. Two of those people are acquaintances; one is a best friend; two of those people are editors from Fictionpress's Beta Reader service that I've never met before.
One of the editors from Fictionpress responded to me recently. She told me that she would be thrilled to work with me, and that really really made my day. :D The other four people haven't responded. Tomorrow, after I format my novel by adding negative and positive after each chapter, I'll have to remind them.
After their inputs, I'll edit accordingly and then send my book out to agents and publishers! But that's a concern for January. The months in between their edits, I'll get SotD out of my system and build a story portfolio of sorts.
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