Memories are elusive. Even when I try to hold on to them, even when I look back and try to recall all the smells and words and images, they seem to slip away. Maybe it's because I'm a writer, but I see my life in chapters. I can hardly remember the time I lived in Chicago with my mother, nephews, nieces, and sisters. Those five years in Blue Island have already slipped away, so much so that when I go back to Blue Island (rarely), I feel like something is all wrong, like I'm interfering on a static setting that should be in my past and not in my present. I left Blue Island so abruptly that I'm still a little shell shocked about all the abandoned relationships and unspoken words. I'm as obsessed with 'proper endings' as I am with memories. Hell, those 6 or 7 months in Indiana University Bloomington, as hellish as they were, now seem as though they never happened.
There are so many more memories, so many more chapters. It's especially odd that I'm infatuated with the past because I'm just as infatuated with my future.
My obsession with memories and the mind's ability to hold on is very clear in Savior of the Damned, and it will be even clearer in later drafts (I plan on doing a better job showing that the first book is just as much about memories and escapism as it is about supernatural creatures).
In fact, I've learned more about myself from Savior of the Damned than I have from any time spent in a therapist's office. I learned that I despise escapism because, to a higher extent than I want to admit, I'm an escapist. Like Alecia, I have a bad habit of running from myself. I've second guessed my own emotions so much that sometimes I feel like I may have burned them out, but I know that's a lie. I know my emotions are much too strong and volatile to burn out, so, like Alecia, I attempt to mask them.
I've gotten better now, though. A loving relationship helps those things, but every now and then I'm afraid. Can I trust myself to not screw up?
Speaking of memories...for me, being in a reflective mood is synonymous with being in a 'Google Yourself' mood. So, how long have you been living on the internet? I've been here since 2004 (meaning since I was 13. I do remember being online when I was 12, but I'm not sure I can - or want to - find any proof of that). I didn't search my name. Instead, I searched all the usernames I can remember having. Here are the awesomesauce and lolwut things about my past, according to what I could find on Google:
10 Do's and Dont's of Writing: An article I wrote back when I was president of the Teen Advisory Board for the Blue Island Public Library. Considering I must have been either 15 or 16, I think it's a pretty good article.
Writer's Haven: This was not only the first successful forum I created (see the lolwut section for all the unsuccessful forums), but the first successful website. Creating this website got me on my high school's newspaper team as a freshman, even though freshmen weren't allowed on the team.
Ladywarrior12 Fanfiction Profile: I was 14. Fortunately, none of my fanfiction is up there anymore.
Roleplay Getaway: Another messed up forum, much like The Warriors. Once upon a time, I used to be big on roleplaying on forums.
There are so many more memories, so many more chapters. It's especially odd that I'm infatuated with the past because I'm just as infatuated with my future.
My obsession with memories and the mind's ability to hold on is very clear in Savior of the Damned, and it will be even clearer in later drafts (I plan on doing a better job showing that the first book is just as much about memories and escapism as it is about supernatural creatures).
In fact, I've learned more about myself from Savior of the Damned than I have from any time spent in a therapist's office. I learned that I despise escapism because, to a higher extent than I want to admit, I'm an escapist. Like Alecia, I have a bad habit of running from myself. I've second guessed my own emotions so much that sometimes I feel like I may have burned them out, but I know that's a lie. I know my emotions are much too strong and volatile to burn out, so, like Alecia, I attempt to mask them.
I've gotten better now, though. A loving relationship helps those things, but every now and then I'm afraid. Can I trust myself to not screw up?
Speaking of memories...for me, being in a reflective mood is synonymous with being in a 'Google Yourself' mood. So, how long have you been living on the internet? I've been here since 2004 (meaning since I was 13. I do remember being online when I was 12, but I'm not sure I can - or want to - find any proof of that). I didn't search my name. Instead, I searched all the usernames I can remember having. Here are the awesomesauce and lolwut things about my past, according to what I could find on Google:
Which Savior of the Damned Character are you?: I almost forgot about this quiz! You should take it. See which one of my characters you are.10 Do's and Dont's of Writing: An article I wrote back when I was president of the Teen Advisory Board for the Blue Island Public Library. Considering I must have been either 15 or 16, I think it's a pretty good article.
Writer's Haven: This was not only the first successful forum I created (see the lolwut section for all the unsuccessful forums), but the first successful website. Creating this website got me on my high school's newspaper team as a freshman, even though freshmen weren't allowed on the team.
The Warriors: A Proboards forum I made and abandonded in 2006. It huuuurrrrrtttts! I'm sure I have one or two more forums like this that also hurt, both grammatically and visually.Ladywarrior12 Fanfiction Profile: I was 14. Fortunately, none of my fanfiction is up there anymore.
Roleplay Getaway: Another messed up forum, much like The Warriors. Once upon a time, I used to be big on roleplaying on forums.
There you go, three for three! The list could go on, but I have a critique to finalize and a self-help book to work on. Plus, the lolwut section is starting to scare me. Anyway, here's something funny (oh my god, this cracks me up every time >.<) and a favorite song.