Editorial Assistance

Never Know Where To Start

So, it's pretty hard for me to strike a balance with this blog. Now that I have Triple R - a site dedicated to book reviews, guest appearances, and the craft of writing - and am a soon-to-be contributor for Best Damn Creative Writing Blog (BDCWB) and Suspense Magazine, I know I can focus most, if not all, of my thoughts on writing in those venues. I want Tiffany Rambles to be personal - not diary-style personal, but certainly not just a checklist of things I need to do and stuff about writing. However, it is true that I mostly think about writing and college, so it makes sense that my personal blog would focus so strongly on my writing and college endeavours...

...bleh. It's my personal blog. Why in the hell do I need to strike a balance?? Have I ever talked about my obsession with maintanence and balances?

Moving on. lol. So, I am now a Hudson and Holland Scholar at Indiana University Bloomington! This is the first scholarship I've won and hopefully it won't be the last. I've entered into many other scholarships and I plan on entering into many more throughout my last year as a highschool student. I've just received the reviewer guidelines for becoming a BDCWB contributor. Because I don't think my style of reviewing is currently up to par for BDCWB, I'll be spending many hours (certainly not today. I'm failing honors trigonometry and I need to actually focus on understanding that before it transfers to my report card) reading every single one of their reviews and studying the material the editors seem to like most. Honestly, I'm not sure what's going on with me and Suspense Magazine, but I am two books away from finishing the first box they sent me about two months ago. I just think they're rather busy, is all. Triple R is also working out well. There seems to be a good demand for a series I'll be starting soon about correctly utilizing Facebook for marketing, and I only have two more spaces to feel as far as guest appearances go to completely have every Saturday in February and March paired with an author or publishing house.

I can't wait!

As it with this blog, I'll be irritated that I forgot to say something after I already put the post up, and then I'll come back next week and make the same mistake. >.< Thanks for reading! Please, feel free to comment.

AcaDeca 2011

So, because I'm a competitor in the Academic Decathlon, and I haven't been practicing as well as I should have, these next four days will be dedicated solely to practicing. The competition is THIS saturday, and I'm yet to remember my speech or read the book.

The big question: Can I survive this challenge or I will I fall prey to my growing sickness (sore throat, stomach cramps) by then and drop dead?

Now, I'll still update my blogs. On Thursday I'll be posting at Triple R, but it'll be a short post. Most likely talking about what I have planned as far as the book giveaway and guest appearances (two authors, a publisher, and an aspiring scriptwriter already said yes!). I was gonna blog about how I should strike the 'perfect' balance with my blog, but that will take a little more time than I have now. In fifteen minutes, my first day of intensive studying begins.

What's going on with me?

Well, if you know me on Facebook, you're already aware of this, but remember when I blogged about participating in the IRT Young Playwriting contest. Guess what? I won! Me and my best friend won, actually. However, the big issue is getting there. Who will drive? Will the playwriting people who are giving Caitlin and I housing allow the driver to spend the night? Caitlin and I have until February to figure this all out.

Also, also, I may soon be a contributor for The Best Damn Creative Writing Blog! I admire their blog very much, and even if I don't end up getting a paying position -- which is most likely the case -- I'll love contributing. Plus, it'll help me meet many more helpful people in the writing world.

It's been a while...

....Sorry about that! However, I do have a formidable excuse. December was an immensely busy month for me, and if I wanted to complete the two goals I set for myself before the new year - 1.) Send Savior of the Damned to Rhemalda Publishing, the first publishing house I've ever considered and 2.) Complete and launch Triple R, my new reviewing site - I had to stop doing everything else and focus entirely on those goals.

Guess what? I completed both of those goals! I got an e-mail from Rhemalda Publishing yesterday that said SotD was currently in the hands of their reviewing group and they'd get back to me with either a no or request for the whole novel an approximately March 2nd (or 3rd). While I wait, I plan on writing book 2, Realm of Darkness, and searching for other publication houses and agents. I'd love to get signed on with Rhemalda! I've talked to almost all the authors in that house and they've helped me immensely. However, I know there's still a chance I WON'T get accepted, so it's important to keep the search up.

Last, but definitely DEFINITELY not least, I launched Triple R. If you're an aspiring author or published author, please click on the banner at the bottom of this post. I'd really appreciate your support and participation.

Also, since I put myself back on a stifling schedule again, Tiffany Rambles should go back to being regularly updated. Whenever I have too many important things to take care of, I have to schedule my days so I won't put too much emphasis on one goal. I have to edit my best friend's novel, read an e-book for Triple R (If I don't schedule reading an e-book, I'll have a harder time finding a reason to open the .PDF, even when I like the story. This is why I prefer print, but I know this will change the day I get a Kindle), and study for the Academic Decathlon.

Create your own banner at mybannermaker.com!